Northwest College

Hathaway Scholarships

Questions & Answers

Can I use a Hathaway Scholarship at an out-of-state school?

No. The intent of the scholarship is, in part, to encourage you to pursue your education in Wyoming with hopes that you'll consider a career here when you are done.

I heard there are changes to the curriculum requirements necessary to receive the Hathaway Scholarship. Is that true?

Please see the Hathaway Success Curriculum for the complete listing of requirements for the graduating class of 2011 and beyond. Please note the additional curriculum requirements for the graduating class of 2016.

When does my Hathaway get applied to my student account?

Award amounts and credit hours are checked at the beginning of each semester. After the add/drop period, which is usually seven to ten day after the semester starts, awards and credits hours are re-checked. Any adjustments to the award amount is made at this time, and the scholarship is applied to student's accounts. Once the Hathaway funds have been applied to the student's account, no recalculation to accounting will be allowed for credit hours that are added or dropped. Students are held accountable for the credit hours they are paid for each semester. 

What if I am at the community college longer, than four semester, can I still receive the Hathaway Scholarship?

Hathaway is designed for students to receive funding for the equivalent of four full-time semesters, or 48 credit hours at the community college level for the Opportunity, Performance, and Honor levels. Provisional Opportunity has different requirements. If the student attends the community college for more than four full-time semesters very specific and limited extenuating circumstances may warrant an extension for additional semesters of use at the community college level. Contact the Hathaway Scholarship Technician if you have any questions regarding your semesters of use.

However, the total number of semesters a student can receive funding for the Hathaway Scholarship is still equivalent to eight full-time semesters, or 96 credit hours. If additional semester(s) are used at the community college level it will reduce the total number of semesters for use at the University of Wyoming. 

What are remedial courses and does the Hathaway Scholarship pay for them?

Remedial courses are considered to be below college level and the course number is below 1000. For example, MATH-930 is Intermediate Algebra. The Hathaway Scholarship does not pay for remedial courses, and they do not count towards total credit enrollment status for the Hathaway Scholarship.

Hathaway awards are prorated when students are enrolled in less than twelve college level credits. If the student is awarded at $800 for the semester but is enrolled in six college level credits they would receive $400 based on the calculation; $800(6credits/12) = $400

What if I am going on a mission or am going in to the military?

 Please contact the Hathaway Scholarship Technician for the required documents that will be needed to defer the student's Hathaway Scholarship while they are serving their church service or in the military. Students have four years after high school graduation, or receiving their GED/HiSET to apply and initiate their Hathaway Scholarship. Home-school students need to apply prior to their 21st birthday.

I graduated prior to 2006. Do I qualify for Hathaway Scholarships?

Students who graduated before 2006 do not qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship. Students have four years after their high school graduation to apply and initiate their scholarship. Students who have received their GED/HiSet/TASC must have attended a Wyoming high school prior to receipt of the GED/HiSet/TASC, must have resided in Wyoming and the GED/HiSet/TASC was taken in 2006 or after. GED/HiSet/TASC applicants are considered as graduating with their high school graduating class unless an exception is granted by the Wyoming Department of Education. Home-school students need to apply prior to their twenty-first birthday.

Here is an example: student graduates from high school May 22, 2016 they will have until May 22, 2020 to apply/activate their Hathaway. They will then have to utilize their funds the following semester whether it's for the 2020 summer semester or the 2020 fall semester.

Exceptions are the following: students who have entered into the military, serving their church, or have extenuating circumstances which prohibited them from applying for the scholarship within the allotted time period. 

I just received my GED/HiSET/TASC (High School Equivalency Certification Test). Do I qualify for Hathaway Scholarships?

If the GED/HiSET/TASC (High School Equivalency Certification Test) was taken after April 1, 2006 you may qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship. 

GED/HiSET/TASC recipients have four years after the graduation date of their original graduating high school class, unless ordered by the court to complete the requirements for a GED/HiSET/TASC prior to that graduation date or for other good cause. They must have attended an eligible Wyoming high school prior to receipt of the GED/HiSET/TASC, and received the certificate while residing in Wyoming.

I qualify, but am going to attend another Wyoming institution and transfer to NWC. How does the process work?

Students who would like to transfer their Hathaway Scholarship between any Wyoming community college or the University of Wyoming need to contact the Hathaway Scholarship Technician/Coordinator at the institution they are currently attending, and request their transcripts (including Hathaway specifics) be sent to the institution to which they intend to transfer. Transferability will depend on the student maintaining eligibility for the Hathaway Scholarship.

Am I a Wyoming resident and can I get a Hathaway Scholarship?

To qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship, you must be considered a resident according to NWC residency policy. Students who graduate from a Wyoming high school and/or whose parents live in Wyoming are residents. If this doesn't describe you, but you feel you may be a resident, please contact the NWC Admissions Office at 307.754.6101, or at

I took the SAT and not the ACT, can I be considered?

Your SAT score can be converted to an ACT equivalent for consideration.

I have a special situation and don't see that this web site addresses them. What do I do?

Call the NWC Hathaway Technician in the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at 307.754.6270, or email to, so we can discuss your situation.


Maureen Walsh
Financial Aid Specialist
