Northwest College

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a scholarship thank-you letter?

In addition to good manners, a thank-you letter for a scholarship becomes a treasure for the donor. It is also an opportunity for the student to connect with a person who is passionate about supporting them and who may want to continue that support.


The content of your letter should:

  • Start with an appropriate salutation (Dear Donors of the ________ Scholarship)
  • Identify the name of the scholarship for which you’re expressing thanks
  • Offer at least one or two sentences of personal information about you to help your donor better know you (your major dreams and goals, study focus, interests, hometown, high school activities)
  • Express your gratitude for the gift

The form of your letter should:

  • Be clearly legible if you handwrite a personal note or thank you card
  • Loosely follow standard letter style (for printed letter), including date, salutation, paragraphs and signature
  • Use formal English (don’t use texting language)
  • Include your handwritten signature at the bottom (if handwritten)

When you’re finished:

  • Ask someone to proofread your thank-you for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
  • Deliver your finished thank-you to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, or attach the thank you to an email and send to
  • Scholarship funds are not released to students until the beginning of the semester and until the appropriate thank-you is received by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office

You can get personal help writing and editing your letter at the NWC Writing Center.

I forgot my username and/or password for the scholarship application. What do I do?

Remember, your login to the scholarship application is the same as your login for your MyNWC College Portal. If you can remember your NWC ID, you can reset your password here. If you can not remember your NWC ID, you can call Admissions at 754-6101.

When will I know how much I get in scholarships?

You can see immediately your minimum Trapper Scholarship award by using the chart for Wyoming or out-of state students to determine your award level. You may be able to add to this total by attending Scholarship Day.

What does "Trapper Provider" mean?

Your Trapper Scholarship package is made up of individual privately funded scholarships. A Trapper Provider is one of these individual scholarships used to fund your NWC Trapper Scholarship. When you complete your scholarship application, you're automatically applied for most Trapper Providers. A few Trapper Providers require extra information from you. If you're eligible for these, you'll see a list of "Recommended Opportunities" when you finish the general application.

Are Private Donor Scholarships added on top of my Trapper Scholarship?

No. Think of your Trapper Scholarship as a package of Private Donor Scholarships. You may receive several Private Donor Scholarships, but they'll all come to you in a single Trapper Scholarship award.

You may be able to add Academic and Activity-Talent Scholarships on top of your Trapper Scholarship.

Students receiving Athletic Scholarships (excluding Rodeo and Soccer) cannot accept Trapper Scholarships.

For comprehensive application and eligibility requirements for all NWC Scholarships, please review the NWC Scholarships portion of the Financial Aid Disclosure & Consumer Information on our policies page.


Scholarships Office
Orendorff Building, Room 104
307-754-6154 (Fax)