Northwest College

Tuition & Fees

Estimate Your Fall 2024 Costs

Follow these important steps (read the fine print!) to begin adding up your estimated costs to attend Northwest College:


Choose a semester:

Fall 2024


Estimate Tuition:
Fall 2024 Tuition


  • all credit hours, add the Per Credit rate x the number of credit hours to your estimate.

Wyoming Resident Nonresident* WUE**
Tuition Wyoming Resident:
Per Credit: $105.00
Per Credit: $315.00
Per Credit: $158.00

* Nonresident students whose parent(s) graduated from NWC or any other Wyoming community college may qualify for Wyoming Resident tuition rates (see residency classifications).
** See WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange Tuition Scholarship).


Estimate Fees:
Fall 2024 Fees

Fees are assessed for every credit hour:

  • ADD the per credit rate x the number of credit hours for each of the fees listed below.

*Note the student injury insurance is a flat rate and is only charged if you are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.

Facilities Fee

This fee supports the development of college facilities.

Per Credit: $8.50
No Flat Rate
Fixed Fees

This fee supports student senate and activities.

Per Credit: $3.50
Instructional Fee

This fee helps support instructional supply budgets.

Per Credit: $2.50
Student Injury Insurance

Students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours are required to participate in a Student Injury Insurance Plan. This policy is secondary to other health policies. Plan features include:

  • up to $25,000 maximum for each covered injury,
  • no deductible,
  • intercollegiate sports injury coverage,
  • 24/7 access to nurse advice and health information,
  • global emergency medical assistance, and
  • $1,000 accidental death benefit.

Get more information online at

Per Fall Semester: $98.00
Student Service Fee

Support services available to all students on and off campus.

Per Credit: $19.00
Technology Fee

Maintain and advance available technology for our students.

Per Credit: $19.50
The Student Injury Insurance is only required for students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours.


Estimate Other Costs:
Fall 2024 Other Costs

Some of these costs will vary per individual (i.e., specific course fees or books/supplies):

Books / Supplies

Per Semester: ≈ $500.00

Course Fees

Visit the Class Schedule to look up indvidual course fees

Enrollment Fee

One time: $30.00

Equine Stabling Fee

Per Semester: $1,700.00 per horse

Fee for Courses Out-of-District

(Lovell, Worland, Greybull, Basin)

Per Credit: $5.00
NOTE: All costs are subject to change without notice.


Total Tuition & Fees Estimate Worksheet:

Print this page and fill out the following worksheet to create your own estimate:

Fall 2024 Tuition Estimate:
Fall 2024 Fees Estimate:
Fall 2024 Other Costs Estimate:
My Fall 2024 Estimate:

For NWC’s Federal Student Aid Cost of Attendance (COA) Policy, with annual standardized budget calculations, visit the Financial Aid Policies page.