There are many benefits associated with becoming a tutor at Northwest College.
- Earn $11.00 per hour
- Flexible schedule
- Subject reinforcement
- Resume builder
- New friendships
- Be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at Northwest College
- "A" (or instructor's approval) in the subject you wish to tutor
- Recommendation from the course instructor/department head
- Participate in tutor training (you will be paid for attending)
Required Qualifications:
- Strong communication skills
- Excellent attendance record
- Ability to work with students from diverse cultures and backgrounds
- Ability to work with multiple students at a time
- Interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with students, supervisors, and faculty
- Ability to work with students of various ability levels while maintaining patience, consideration, and respect
Preference may be given to tutors with the following additional qualifications:
- Ability to tutor multiple courses
- Availability
How to Apply:
- Fill out a tutor application (available at the Tutor Center).
- Obtain the instructor's signature as a recommendation for each course you would like to tutor.
- Schedule an appointment for an interview with the Tutoring Coordinator.
Please contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your interest in becoming a tutor!
Jen Schneider
Tutoring Coordinator
(307)754-6137 Hinckley Library 210