Northwest College

Consumer Information & Disclosures

Activity 4: Student Right-To-Know Act

Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates (Including Disaggregated Completion/Graduation Rates)(Student Right-to-Know Act)

Currently, NWC calculates graduation and transfer-out rates for first-time, full-time, degree/certificate-seeking students. By July 1 of each year, the IR will publish these rates on the Institutional Research section of the NWC website including disaggregated data (by gender, race/ethnicity, and required financial aid recipient groupings).

Job Placement Rates

We do not currently collect this information and do not have a placement office.

Placement in Employment

We do not currently collect this information and do not have a placement office.

Retention Rate

IR will publish this annually on Institutional Research section of the NWC website between IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey completion (mid-April) and July 1.

Types of Graduate and Professional Education in Which the School's Graduates Enroll

NWC is not a 4-year program


Northwest College will provide paper copies of any of these documents upon request.